Learning Paths





- visual information relevant to type of text
 e.g. typographical conventions: type size, character
 e.g. cartoon conventions: speech bubbles for speech, thought, speech at the
 other end of phone line; captions for background/context/time

- textual/rhetorical information (formal organization of kinds of text)

- paralinguistic features (keys to mood, intentions, relationships, roles and
 e.g. gestures, facial expressions, body movements, nearness

- setting and context/situation
 incl. physical surroundings (place), time

- participants
 incl. age, sex, physical appearance, clothes

- action and interaction between participants (keys to mood, intentions,
 relationships, roles and statuses)

- world knowledge: - general: universal logic, universal scripts
                                  - culture-specific: scripts, procedures, rituals, values,assumptions
                            - topic-specific

Linguistic (within and between languages)

- phonology

- orthography

- grammar: - word formation (roots, affixes)/morphology (parts of speech/word classes)
 - syntax (word functions: subject, object, etc.; word position)

- lexis/semantic information

- functional/pragmatic information (e.g. speech acts, conversational procedures)

- textual: co-text

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www.learningpaths.org        Luciano Mariani, Milan, Italy